ProjectWise Explorer Help

User / Group Management Dialog

Used to manage the membership and ownership of groups and user lists.

In ProjectWise Administrator, this dialog opens when you right-click the Users node, the Groups, or User Lists node and select Show User and Groups Management Dialog.

In ProjectWise Explorer, this dialog opens when you select Tools > User Management.

Note: When using the User / Group Management dialog from ProjectWise Administrator, you can open the User / Group Management dialog from any of the three nodes (Users, Groups, or User Lists), but you must have access to the Groups node to manage group membership and ownership from this dialog, and you must have access to the User Lists node to manage user list membership and ownership from this dialog.
Search Used to search the selected node (Folders and Work Area, All Users, All Groups, or All User Lists) for any item listed in that node. You can either select the node to search, explicitly from the list of nodes, or you can select the node to search, from the Search menu.
Folders and Work Areas Expand this node to display the entire folder tree of the datasource. If any folder or work area selected in this node has users, groups, and/or user lists explicitly assigned to it, those will appear below the last folder of the selected folder or work area. You can then select any user, group, or user list in the list, to view or manage its membership.
All Users Expand this node to display all users in the datasource. You can select any user in the list to view or manage their group or user list membership.
All Groups Expand this node to display all groups in the datasource. You can select any group in the list to view or manage its members, or to view or manage its membership to user lists.
All User Lists Expand this node to display all user lists in the datasource. You can select any user list in the list to view or manage its members, or to view or manage its membership to other user lists.
Display Type The selected Display Type determines what items display in the Available list (middle) and the Assigned list (right), depending on the type of object selected.
  • Members — If Members is on and you have a group selected, then the Available list will display all users in the datasource who are not members of the selected group, and the Assigned list will display all users who are members of the selected group. If Members is on and you have a user list selected, then the Available list will display all users, groups, and user lists in the datasource who are not members of the selected user list, and the Assigned list will display all users, groups, and user lists who are members of the selected user list. If you have a user selected, the Members option is automatically disabled, and the Member Of option is selected.
  • Member Of — If Member Of is on and you have a user selected, the Available list will display all groups and user lists in the datasource that the selected user is not a member of, and the Assigned list will display all groups and user lists that the selected user is a member of. If Member Of is on and you have a group or user list selected, the Available list will display all user lists in the datasource that the selected group or user list is not a member of, and the Assigned list will display all user lists the selected group or user list is a member of.
Available Displays the list of objects in the datasource that are not currently assigned to the selected object. The objects that display in this list depend on the selected Display Type and also the type of object selected. See the descriptions for the Members and Member Of settings above for details. You can filter the Available list by name, description, and/or domain.
Assigned Displays the list of objects in the datasource that are currently assigned to the selected object. The objects that display in this list depend on the selected Display Type and also the type of object selected. See the descriptions for the Members and Member Of settings above for details. You can filter the Assigned list by name, description, and/or domain.
Note: Owners have a star icon next to their name in the User/Group Management dialog. When a user list is an owner of an object, the members in that user list become owners of that object by inheritance, and are referred to as inherited owners. Inherited owners have the star icon, plus their normal user icon displays with a down-arrow, to denote that ownership is inherited.
Note: If you select a group or user list and you are the owner of that group or user list, you can manage the membership of that group or user list by adding objects to or removing objects from the Assigned list.
Note: If you select a group or user list and you are the owner of that group or user list, you can make a user an owner, or remove a user’s ownership.